Sunday, December 1, 2013

Get Happy, Get Jamaican

What does Minnesota and Jamaica have in common?
What does going to work on a Monday morning and a positive attitude have in common?
These things have absolutely nothing in common unless you have see the Volkswagen: Get Happy commercial.

As you begin to watch the commercial, many viewers can relate to the mundane Monday morning feeling at your job. It is easy for people to relate to these emotions, but what usually does not happen is a Caucasian man bringing encouragement to all of his coworkers in a Jamaican accent. This is so odd that people continue to watch with a smile on there face.

Now why such the stark contrast between cultures? We find out in one scene that this man is from Minnesota and makes his coworkers even more confused because they should have a distinct accent themselves. Now some might say this is racist because the advertisers are using the stereotype that all Jamaicans have this care-free attitude. But it gets their point in that even in the most dismal settings you can find something to smile about.

Even with the simplest of task in the office such as getting a snack or drinking a cup of coffee to more serious scenes such as getting news that their company is losing money, the Caucasian man always has something positive to say and wants his coworkers to share his enthusiasm. It is not until the end of the commercial when we find his boss and another coworker in the car and now talking in a Jamaican accent.
Bob Marley
The Jamaican lifestyle goes perfectly with this commercial and people are familiar with it because of the famous singer Bob Marley. He is known for his happy and laid back songs and Volkswagen showed the world that if you buy this car then you will be able to change your perspective in life and make it much more enjoyable.

Life is a journey. We can either go about it in a negative way where we can always find a reason to complain, or, we can start to appreciate the little things in life and bring a positive feeling to everyone we come in contact to. It's your choice, how do you want to live it?

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